Sunday, March 21, 2010

Getting out and about

We had a really good week last week, we're finally getting some regular activities and new friends which is great! :-) This week we had a playdate at a friends house with 3 other mums and their children, Bailey didn't cry. On Tuesday we went to Playtime at the Caboolture Early Years Centre for the first time which was great, there were a lot of kids and lots of boys around his age. They run it quite well with lots of toys and art/craft things for the kids to do. Bailey just played with this bead maze thing the whole 'free play' time though! They had morning tea/fruit time and then outside play time. All the kids had fun and we will definitely be going back! And we still have Kindergym and went to the park with a friend on Friday.
Then on Saturday we met up with all the mums and bubs from our New Baby group from the Morayfield playgroup which was great. So a very social week. :-) Hopefully being around other kids more will help Bailey as in the last few weeks he has cried around other kids when they make a noise louder than a normal speaking voice!
Our other challenge at the moment is teaching Bailey to play by himself or stay in a specified area when asked (like on the mat), only making tiny bits of progress though like 2 minutes at a time of him playing alone. Will keep persevering!
Here's a photo I took of him yesterday, love it!

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